Revenue Cycle Management Services for EMS, Ambulance & Medical Transportation Industry
We provide a wide array of Revenue Cycle Management services specifically tailored for the EMS, Ambulance and Medical Transportation industry. Our goal is to become the leading provider of comprehensive Revenue Cycle Management services to the medical transportation industry in our country.
Here are a few reasons why you should consider Pario Group to be your billing service:
We are a group of experts on Medical Transportation Billing & Reimbursement management – we focus only on the medical transportation industry (MAV, Invalid Coaches and Ambulances) and DO NOT bill for any other type of healthcare providers.
We have implemented the state-of-the-art AMAZON Billing System from Sweet, an Ortivus company, for EMS and Medical Transportation Billing. All our clients get complete access to all the powerful features of this exhaustively comprehensive billing and reporting software suite.
We take full reimbursement responsibility – we do not get paid unless our clients get paid.
We offer free conversion of billing data from various formats into the HIPAA compliant version electronic format.
We offer free Medicare and Medicaid consulting to all our clients (including reimbursement-related regulatory, compliance and documentation training to crew-members)
Automated follow-ups with Medicare, Medicaid, Insurance companies and private payers until payments are received.
All our clients get regular detailed reports – they have a choice of over 120 reports to choose from.
All our services are available at extremely reasonable price levels.
Coming soon Complete OnLine Billing Services for all your medical transportation billing needs.
“Growth Enabler”
Most importantly we take pride in our core ability to facilitate aggressive growth of our clients. Whether you are a small local ambulance service provider with one ambulance or wheelchair van or you are a large established company in your state with over one hundred vehicles – WE HELP YOU GROW!
Life Cycle Concept of a transportation claim
We strongly follow the “life-cycle” concept of medical transportation claims – both emergency as well as non-emergency transportation claims. We believe a “claim” actually starts generating itself long before the trip record hits our offices and many things that happen along the way often decide the eventual fate of reimbursement for that service.
We continuously strive and work closely with your company to improve your overall operational processes to best align them with your goals of maximizing reimbursement and business growth.
Please explore the Services section of our website in order to learn more about our capabilities.